4 Mayıs 2022 Çarşamba


Kjære venn,

God dag min kjære venn, hvordan har du det? Lengste tid. Jeg er glad for det
informere deg om min suksess med å få disse arvemidlene
overført i samarbeid med en ny partner fra Tsjekkia
republikk. For tiden er jeg i INDIA for investeringsprosjekter med min egen
andel av totalsummen. I mellomtiden glemte jeg ikke tidligere innsats
og forsøker å hjelpe meg med å overføre disse arvemidlene
til tross for at det sviktet oss på en eller annen måte. Ta nå kontakt
med sekretæren min i Lome
Togo vest-Afrika, hans navn er Mr. Donald Philip på e-postadressen hans
(donaidphilip7144@gmail.com ) be ham sende deg totalt
($500 000,00), fem hundre tusen amerikanske dollar som bl.a
beholdes for din kompensasjon for alle tidligere anstrengelser og forsøk på å
hjelpe meg i transaksjonen. Jeg satte pris på innsatsen din på den tiden
veldig mye. Så ta gjerne kontakt med min sekretær Mr. Donald, og
instruer ham hvor han skal sende deg ATM KORT av totalsummen
av ($500 000,00). Vennligst gi meg beskjed umiddelbart at du mottar det
at vi kan dele gleden etter all lidelsen på den tiden. I
I øyeblikket er jeg veldig veldig opptatt her på grunn av
som jeg har med min nye partner for hånden, husk endelig at jeg
hadde videresendt instruks til min sekretær på dine vegne om å motta
det minibankkortet på ($500 000,00), så ta gjerne kontakt med Mr.
Donald Philip, han vil sende beløpet til deg uten forsinkelser.

Med vennlig hilsen,

Mr. John William.

30 Ocak 2022 Pazar

Good Day,

Good Day,

I am Mr. Khaled Edris, a director of a prime bank in Benin, I'm soliciting your assistance for the transfer of ($980,000.00) (Nine hundred and Eighty thousand United state Dollars) into your bank account.50% will be for you & 50% for me. No risk involved. Please respond back for more details about this transaction.

Kindly reply me back to my alternative email:khalededris823@gmail.com

Yours Truly,
Mr.Khaled Edris

26 Ocak 2022 Çarşamba

Offer for charity work in your country

Hello Dear,
My Name is Mrs. Jane Valerian From America, I read about you in a
website and I would love to employ you in assisting some orphans to
protect themselves against spreading of covid-19 Virus in your
Country. I have a desire to send some money for you to carry on with
the Charity work over there in your country. Please reply this massage
so that I will tell you about myself and give you further details. I
will be waiting for your immediate response.

Your Sincerely
Mrs. Jane

18 Ekim 2021 Pazartesi

Compliments of the season

Dear Friend


I am Sgt. Hester leigh Ann, I am 36 years old a native of NORTH CAROLINA,
United States. I am a female soldier working with United Nations
peacekeeping troops. I was among the US Military force withdrawal from
Afghanistan. I got your contact through a discreet search from the
Internet, The reason why I'm explaining my findings to you is to seek your
assistance to enable you to contribute immensely to the actualization of my

I have in my possession the sum of $4.9 millions USD Which i made in
Afghanistan, I am now in desperate need of a "Reliable and Trustworthy"
person like you who would receive, secure and protect these boxes which i
have already deposited a security delivery company here as our assignment
elapses and i cannot leave the box here in Afghanistan for any reason since
Afghanistan is getting unsafe and dangerous everyday. I assure and promise
to give you 20% of this fund, however feel free to negotiate what you wish
to have as your percentage in this deal,  I will tell you more about myself
in my next email.

Please assure me of you keeping this topmost secret within you so that my
job would not be jeopardized, Upon your response to my mail I will send my
ID to you so that you can identify me when I come over to meet you in your
country for the sharing after you have received the box

Your urgent reply is highly needed.
Best Regards,
Sgt. Hester leigh Ann

26 Ağustos 2021 Perşembe

Good Day

From Mr.Aziz Issa
Bill And Exchange Manager
Freeing International Dept
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
West Africa.
MY DIRECT LINE : +226 72 21 62 99


Greeting to you,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise I Mr.Aziz Issa,I
work in a Banque International Du Burkina Faso (B.I.B) Bank. I hope
that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that am
about to repose in you for the benefit of our both families.

Am in need of your help as a foreigner to transfer (($10.5m US
dollars))(Ten Million five hundred thousand US Dollars)) into your
account,The fund is for late .Robert William, a Germany nationality.
whom died on December 2014 in plane crash with Airbus A320 Plane.
living nobody as the next of kin to the fund. Risk is completely 100%
free for this transaction.

Please I will like you to keep this proposal as a top secret or delete
it from your mail box, if you are not interested.

I agree that 50% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner,
in respect to the provision of a foreign account,and 50% will be for

Also know that immediately this fund is transfered to your account, I
will resign from my work and come over to your country for the
sharing of the money and for you to help me and direct me on what is
profitable that i can invest my own share of the money on it in your

Please you should call me immediately (+226 72 21 62 99) as soon as
you receive this letter for more explanation. .

Yours faithfully,
Mr.Aziz Issa.
MY DIRECT LINE : +226 72 21 62 99