20 Eylül 2019 Cuma


Hello Sir/Madam ,

Heavenly greetings to you and your family in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ. In my search for a reliable and God fearing person and
having gotten your contact through prayers and painstaking efforts via
searching i made on the internet on my bed side.

I am Mrs. Sarah W. Mackenzie for a long time now, i have been on the hospital
bed getting treated for cancer of the lungs which has also affected my
brain. I have also lost the ability to talk. My condition is
deteriorating at an alarming rate and according to my doctors, I may
not live beyond the next two months. This is because the cancer has
gotten to a very bad stage. Having being brought up at an orphanage, I
was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child. We
were fervent Christians. My husband died in a fatal auto crash and i
decided not to re-marry. Before my husband's demise, he had deposited
18,500,000USD with a bank in Indonesia.

Presently, this money is still with the bank. The management of the
bank just wrote me to come and receive the money having kept it for
too long or rather, i issue a letter of authorization to somebody to
receive it on my behalf. Due to my illness, i cannot go and receive
the money in person and thus, it runs the risk of getting confiscated.
Presently, I'm with my laptop at the hospital.

It is my last wish to contribute part of this wealth to the
development of evangelism and charity in Africa, America, Europe and
Asian Countries and i took this decision, before i rest in peace
because my time will soon be up.

Having searched for a reliable and God fearing person and having
gotten your contact via prayers and painstaking efforts through
searches I made on the internet, i wish you could help carry out my
last wish.

As soon as I receive your reply with your name, address and phone
number, i shall be giving you the details. Please assure me that you
will act accordingly as i stated herein. Lastly, I want you to be
praying for me as regards my entire life and my health. May the grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of
the Holy Spirit be with you. I await your urgent reply.

Yours in Christ
Mrs. Sarah W. Mackenzie