28 Haziran 2020 Pazar

Attn: Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Please forgive me for stressing you with my predicaments as I know
that this letter may come to you as big surprise. I came across your
E-mail from my personal search, and after I decided to email you
directly believing that you will be honest to assist me fulfill my
final wish for the poor.

Meanwhile, I am Mrs. Xiong Ying, 62 years, am North Korea-based
Chinese. I was diagnosed with corona virus in my residence in North
Korea by my spiritual director who's also my private doctor after my
visit to Wuhan on 4th January 2020.

I am presently on house medication secretly because the North Korean
president gave order to kill anyone with this virus. I have lost my
only son and husband for the same epidemic disease in China and from
all indication my condition is really deteriorating as my doctor have
confirmed and courageously advised me that I may not live beyond 10
days from now for the reason that my tumor has reached a critical
stage which has defiled all forms of medical treatment.

Since my days are numbered, I am seeking your assistance in managing
18.5 million dollars for the less privileged which I deposited in my
foreign bank account in America as my husband and I had planned
earlier to use this same fund in building a first class and
well-equipped medical hospital in USA for my son as soon as he
complete his medical studies this year, and upon receipt of your
positive reply, I will explain to you why I have decided to hand this
project to a unknown stranger.

Anyway, my plans for the poor include building of well-equipped
charity foundation hospital and a technical school for their
well-being. Your own opinion on how to manage this fund for the poor
is welcomed too.

If you will be honest, kind and willing to assist me manage this
charity project as I've mentioned here, I will like you to contact me
also through my personal doctor his email address ( Kyunmiri19@dr.com
) and provide
me your personal data